The law in from the game commission states that you can not own, trade, sell or give away a sugar glider in the state of PA. If you are found with one they will take it along with giving you a hefty fine.
After extensive research I am unsure as to why they are illegal in PA. This is a small pet that has never killed anyone unlike the bulldogs that so many people own in the city. I can own a dangerous dog capable of killing a child but I can not own a sugar glider.
There are many established breeders of sugar gliders in the USA and they are strictly regulated by the USDA. There are many books and websites on care and diet. Gliders have been in captivity for many years and well established diets are available. All of the breeders I found across the USA care who and where their gliders go to. They provide starter kits and a wealth of information and an open door policy on questions throughout the gliders lifespan.
I understand that they are illegal to export out of Australia and I am assuming that the law in PA is to deter people from importing them. I don%u2019t see why someone would spend more money and risk the consequences for importing a wild animal from Australia when there are so many breeders and cheaper, safer means of acquiring a sugar glider.
I know that they are an exotic pet and veterinarian care may be a concern. A vet would not be anymore knowledgeable on the veterinarian care for a hamster, turtle or some birds for that matter. Sugar gliders are a pocket pet and are as small as a hamster and it is difficult for any veterinarian to give complex care for any pocket pet.
Sugar gliders can not survive the harsh winters in PA so there is no threat to the current wildlife population.
As far as special care they are no more difficult then any exotic pet. They sometimes need vitamin supplements sprinkled on food. Pets such as lizards need to have supplements to. They need for attention the same as large exotic birds need attention or they get depressed and pull out feathers. Dogs with out attention get depressed there are antidepressants for dogs now because its such an issue. Should dogs be illegal in PA?
The law in from the game commission states that you can not own, trade, sell or give away a sugar glider in the state of PA. If you are found with one they will take it and kill it along with giving you a hefty fine.
After extensive research I am unsure as to why they are illegal in PA. This is a small pet that has never killed anyone unlike the bulldogs that so many people own in the city. I can own a dangerous dog capable of killing a child but I can not own a sugar glider.
There are many established breeders of sugar gliders in the USA and they are strictly regulated by the USDA. There are many books and websites on care and diet. Gliders have been in captivity for many years and well established diets are available. All of the breeders I found across the USA care who and where their gliders go to. They provide starter kits and a wealth of information and an open door policy on questions throughout the gliders lifespan.
I understand that they are illegal to export out of Australia and I am assuming that the law in PA is to deter people from importing them. I don%u2019t see why someone would spend more money and risk the consequences for importing a wild animal from Australia when there are so many breeders and cheaper, safer means of acquiring a sugar glider.
I know that they are an exotic pet and veterinarian care may be a concern. A vet would not be anymore knowledgeable on the veterinarian care for a hamster, turtle or some birds for that matter. Sugar gliders are a pocket pet and are as small as a hamster and it is difficult for any veterinarian to give complex care for any pocket pet.
Sugar gliders can not survive the harsh winters in PA so there is no threat to the current wildlife population.
. As far as special care they are no more difficult then any exotic pet. They sometimes need vitamin supplements sprinkled on food. Pets such as lizards need to have supplements to. They need for attention the same as large exotic birds need attention or they get depressed and pull out feathers. Dogs with out attention get depressed there are antidepressants for dogs now because its such an issue.
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