Stunned dog owners and residents of a Severn neighborhood are shocked that authorities won't be charging a federal police officer who shot and killed a Siberian husky Monday night at a community dog park.
Bear-Bear, a brown and white husky that was about 3 years old, was playing in the Quail Run dog park at about 6:30 p.m., running off leash inside the fenced-in area, when the officer and his wife arrived with a German shepherd, who was kept on a leash. When the dogs began to play roughly, the federal officer asked Bear-Bear's guardian, his owner's brother, to call off the dog. But before he could do anything, the officer pulled out a gun and shot Bear-Bear, according to the husky's owner.
Bear-Bear, who belongs to Rachel Rettaliata, died of his injuries a few hours later. County police did not name the federal officer.
A spokesman for the Anne Arundel County Police Department said no charges will be filed and investigators found no evidence of criminal activity.
Dear Sir,
On the evening of August 2 2010, a federal police officer shot the Siberian husky Bear-Bear who was playing in a fenced in dog park in Anne Arundel County Maryland. The shooting was witnessed by many including Bear-Bear's pet parent. The neighborhood is outraged that a shooting happened in broad daylight in a fenced in dog park.
The dog, Bear-Bear, a brown and white husky about 3 years old, was playing in the Quail Run dog park at about 6:30 p.m., running off leash inside the fenced-in area.
The officer and his wife arrived with a German shepherd, who was kept on a leash. When the dogs began to play roughly, the federal officer asked Bear-Bear's guardian to call off the dog.
Before anything could be done, the officer pulled out a gun and shot Bear-Bear, according to the husky's owner, Rachel Rettaliala.
Bear-Bear died of his injuries a few hours later. Ms. Rettaliala is devastated by the loss of her beloved dog.
There was no evidence that the officer believed Bear was going to hurt his dog. He also did not allow Bear's handler even a few seconds to call Bear back from play.
This is outrageous behavior from a police officer who was off duty.
This case must be investigated thoroughly.
The police officer must be reprimanded for abusing an animal and being negligent and careless with a firearm in a public dog park.
This officer is a dangerous to be put in a position to protect the public. He is abusing his authority.
We are requesting a thorough investigation be done regarding this incident and appropriate action be taken against the federal officer. Animal abuse is a crime and his actions should be taken seriously.
Thank you for your time and I trust you will do the right thing in Bear-Bear's honor.
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