Hoping Care2.com and petitionsite website not be banned.

  • da: CTIM
  • destinatario: everyone

In my city, if you want to get in the Care2.com and petitionsite.com, you will have great frustration. 

 Especially when you use the public library's computer, you need very lucky in order to give a comment, or sign a petiton. Even you can success to give a comment or sign a petition, the computer will be freezed.  

We need to share with many people to get time to use the computer, The time for us to use the computer is very limited. Sometimes it is only 15 minutes a  day.  Even luckily, you can have 1 hour a day,

Because of the firewall or some setting, you can't even do anything in Care2 website and petitionsite.com

When you talk to their staff, they suggest you better to not use Care2. 

My city is already in a democracy country. 

Really hope people can climb the wall!

Really hope people in everywhere can use Care2 and petitionsite.com freely.



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