Henry Paulson Must Go! No fox guarding the hen house!

  • da: CODEPINK
  • destinatario: President Bush, Speaker Pelosi, Senators Reid, Obama and McCain,

Henry Paulson Must Go! No fox guarding the hen house!

Sign-up below to support ousting Henry "the fox" Paulson!

For 14 months, King Henry fiddled while our economy slowly burned. Then suddenly, Paulson told us if we don%u2019t bail out his fat-cat buddies on Wall Street immediately%u2014with $700 billion of our money and no strings attached%u2014there would be a gigantic meltdown.
King Henry is a consummate Wall Street insider who amassed a personal fortune of over $700 million in the casino economy. As CEO at Goldman Sachs, he created billions of dollars in those bizarre financial products you hear about, and which are now nearly worthless. Now %u2013 and this is what%u2019s really insane %u2013 he wants to use $700 billion of our tax dollars to buy up the trash he helped produce!
Should this robber baron who failed miserably on the job get unprecedented powers over our economy and our tax dollars? HELL NO!
Should he be allowed to pick and choose who among his Wall Street buddies will now gorge themselves at the public trough? HELL NO!
We, the people, demand accountability. Henry Paulson must go!
President Bush, Speaker Pelosi, Senators Reid, Obama and McCain,

For 14 months, King Henry fiddled while our economy slowly burned. Then suddenly, Paulson told us if we don%u2019t bail out his fat-cat buddies on Wall Street immediately%u2014with $700 billion of our money and no strings attached%u2014there would be a gigantic meltdown.

Now he wants to use $700 billion of our tax dollars to buy up the trash he helped produce!

We, the people, demand accountability. Henry Paulson must go!

For more information : http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/424/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=1414
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