My family and I are requesting that the city of Regina apply the same laws of ownership and keeping as you now grant to all other domestic household pets within the city, to potbelly pigs. A potbelly pig is not livestock, they are originally inhabitants from the jungles of china and japan. They have been imported as pets since 1985. A potbelly pig are the third most intelligent animal in the world. Their high intelligence makes them a unique pet. They sleep on blankets and play with toys similar to a dog. Similar to dogs, potbelly pigs can be trained to do many things including being house broken, and even trained to walk a leash.
As of late It has come to my attention that potbelly pigs are illegal pets in the city or regina, this prohibition is outlined in part iv: NUISANCES of the 2009-44 bylaw. In this bylaw all swine are defined as livestock, in other words breeder/feeder animals raised for slaughter or food purposes. A potbelly pig is of a different species than its farmyard counter part. Potbelly's are breed as pets, and have been done so in Canada since 1985. They originate from the jungles of china and japan, and as mentioned before are of a different species than farm swine. They are much smaller then their barnyard friends. The Potbellied Pig is small weighing about 30 to 150 lbs. By comparison the farmyard pig (hog) at maturity can weigh over 800 lbs and stand over 36 inches at the shoulder. A potbelly pig is no bigger than a large dog.
I would like to see the City of Regina change the bylaw to allow potbelly pigs as pets, but I also believe that like dogs and cats, potbelly's should be regulated. They should be neutered and licensed like any dogs and cats. I also believe that there should be no more than two potbelly pigs per household in the city. Besides owning a potbelly isn't for everyone and a little regulation will encourage only responsible owners.
In saskatchewan potbelly pet pig breeders sell potbelly's for $2,500 or less depending. One such breeder is Valley Blossom Ranch is located in the beautiful hills of Lac Pelletier which is 25 minutes south of Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada. This specific breeder claims that her potbelly pigs "are docile, laid-back, have strong human bonding traits and have almost no body odour. Their intelligence has been compared to primates and dolphins, thus making them easy to litter and harness train and are among the most clever house pets known. They are easier to transport on outings and vet visits. They are non-allergenic, prefer a clean environment and aren't prone to fleas or ticks."
Many owners sleep with their potbelly's, dress them in costumes and share every aspect of their lives with their potbelly companions. Potbellies love to have their tummies scratched, and to snuggle with their owners. Potbelly's are like 2-year-old children - intelligent, curious, mischievous and sometimes manipulative. They are sensitive creatures that can be playful, and even almost humorous.
Potbelly's can be appealing as a pet because are very trainable, similar to a dog. First, a pig must be taught that he can trust his owner. Firm, gentle discipline works well. They must be taught the word "NO" and to respect humans. Because of their love for food, positive reinforcement is effective. Negative physical reinforcement is not. Potbelly's have a great memory and respond well to commands. Housebreaking comes very easy to potbelly's. I do believe that a potbelly must be neutered and spayed to be good pets. I neutered my dog and cat because of this belief. Potbelly pigs are like a dog and cat if not neutered they can become hormonal and cranky. I love my pets I want what is best for them.
Like a dog or a cat, potbelly's have the potential to be either the Best pet, or the very worst. It depends on the efforts and dedication of the owner. Like a dog, you really have to take the time to guide the animal properly, so that it grows up to be a perfect pet citizen.
I do believe that it is discriminatory to classify a potbelly pig as livestock, considering the fact that they are not livestock in no way shape or form, they are an exotic pet. They are breed as such and breeders claim them to be pets. When you google them they are labelled as pets both in the US and Canada. No where are they described as animals raised for food purposes, nor should they be treated as such. Besides I could never see myself eating my pet pig that would be like eating your dog or cat. YUCK.
If the city is going to make a law for or against potbelly pigs, the city should at least be put in their proper category as an exotic pet.
If the city were to allow this exotic pet, we wouldn't be the only city in saskatchewan to do so. Our smaller counter parts such as North Battleford allow ownership. Cities such as Edmonton alberta do as well. refer to ( to see edmonton laws on the matter.
My husband and I are both disable people, our pets are a major part of our life. They give us a sense of satisfaction and entertainment. My girls love them. If I bring a pet into my home it is because I can offer it the love and dedication it requires. I love my potbelly, so does my husband and children. She is quite a personality. She keeps is my dogs companion. Now my dog is moping around the house because she can no longer be with her friend. I plead with the city to allow potbelly's as exotic pets in regina
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