Stop Burning Live Bulls - End Sadistic Festivals

This petition remains ongoing,  collecting signatures against the "Toro Jubilo Fiesta" and other fiestas, that inflict terrible cruelties upon bulls in Spain.
PACMA has thrice hand delivered this petition to the Medinacelli - Soria Junta in Spain:-  in October 2009, October 2010 and October 2011.  Thank you PACMA !   Petition signatures have been downloaded on 3rd Oct 2012 for delivery to PACMA.  We will once again ensure that this petition is delivered in October 2013.

Last year's horror - as catalogued by Anne and her Face Book Team

Meet Anne and her team at:!/groups/stopbullabuse/

The purpose of this petition is to protest against the annual FireBull festival in Spain, specifically in the Soria province.  Before being released, the bull is forcibly tied down, balls of flammable material are attached to his horns which are lighted, and can burn the horns, body and eyes, causing terrible suffering.  Several times the bull may try to kill himself against walls, due to his terrible pain.  This happens annualy, at the end of the second week of November.

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Please cross post awareness of this petition all over the internet.  We need thousands and thousands of signatures. Animal Rights Activists in Spain need our help!


See English Translation at bottom of email  :  Ver TraducciuFFFDn IngluFFFDs en la parte inferior de correo electruFFFDnico
Funcionarios de Honor de Espana:

La crueldad animal no es aceptable como entretenimiento o la tradicion en el siglo 21. Sin embargo, el Toro Jubilo se produce cada ano en Medinaceli, provincia de Soria, Espana. La burla turbas acosar a un toro con bolas de brea ardiendo o trementina -llamado pitch - unido a sus cuernos. Un toro de cuernos, el cuerpo y los ojos se quemo. Algunos tratan de escapar de horas de agona por la rotura en las paredes.

Espectaculos Arcaico empanar la reputacion de Espana y de obstaculizar el turismo. No puedo apoyar una sociedad que ignora la brutalidad sin sentido de los animales. Voy a aconsejar a otros a unirse a mi en un boicot del turismo espanol y el comercio hasta que el Toro Jubilo y otras fiestas de sangre son permanentemente prohibido.

Insto a las autoridades espanolas para hacer cumplir las leyes de crueldad hacia los animales mas fuertes que los animales escudo contra todas las formas de abuso, incluyendo los rituales y fiestas vulgares sangre.

Mientras que las culturas diferentes no pueden entenderse entre otras costumbres, todos los seres humanos racionales comprender la crueldad. Prender fuego a un animal vivo conocido como Toro de Fuego o el toro de fuego es sadico.

Es hora de que todas las regiones de Espana para suscribirse a las doctrinas eticas que dan forma a nuestro mundo civilizado. Patrimonio, ocio, arte y religion no justifica la tortura pura y simple.

Honorable Officials of Spain:

Animal cruelty is not acceptable as entertainment or tradition in the 21st Century. Yet the Toro Jubilo annually occurs in Medinaceli, a province of Soria, Spain. Jeering mobs harass a bull with balls of burning tar or  turpentine (called "pitch") attached to his horns. A bull's horns, body and eyes are scorched. Some try to escape hours of agony by smashing into walls.

Archaic spectacles tarnish Spain's reputation and hinder tourism. I cannot support any society that ignores the senseless brutalization of animals. I will advise others to join me in a boycott of Spanish tourism and commerce until the Toro Jubilo and other blood fiestas are permanently banned.

I urge Spanish officials to enforce stronger animal cruelty laws that shield animals from all forms of abuse, including vulgar rituals and blood fiestas.

While different cultures may not understand each others customs, all rational humans comprehend cruelty. Setting fire to a live animal  known as Toro de Fuego or bull on fire is sadistic.

It is time for all regions of Spain to subscribe to the ethical doctrines that shape our civilized world. Heritage, entertainment, art and religion never justify outright torture.

Thank you,

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