cps reform

to change the laws that govern cps 
CPS and Family Court Reform85 Signatures Published by robin blithe on Mar 20, 2009Category: Law ReformRegion: United States of AmericaTarget: everyoneWeb site: http://www.abusefreedom.com/Background (Preamble):Our Families are under attack!

There is no "entity" that holds DCFS/CPS accountable for the grave errors they make at the sacrifice of our children. Be it wrongfully removing children from a home, or refusing to take action when a child is in danger.

It is time we stand up and demand that someone begin to hold the "system" accountable when they fail to act in the best interest of our children.

We call for a full investigation into the corrupt Children%u2019s Protective Services and the Family Court System. We ask that the Family Court System and the Children%u2019s Protective Services be held accountable for their actions. We want CPS and Family Court Reform! We ask for the American Family to be protected.

Injustice against one American is injustice against all Americans. Help us put the Justice back into Child Protective Services and get them focused on finding and saving abused children. It's time we removed them from the profitable business of tearing loving non-offending families apart.Petition:Only by the voice of the people will we make a difference. Please help us to save our families by signing your name and giving yourself a voice.

Thank you.

we at abuse freedom united are currently working in conjunction with mrs obama we are submitting letters to her from people from all over about their horrors with cps  in you interested feel free to contact me at rblithe302@hotmail.com or visit our site at www.abusefreedom.com
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