Virginia, Don't Ban "Cross-Gender" Dress

A school district in Suffolk, Virginia is trying to ban "cross-gender" dress in order to protect students from bullying, and murders and suicides that are connected to it. This policy would ban students from wearing clothing that does not match their gender, or that causes a "disruption" or "health or safety concern". 

Despite the fact that the policy is vague -- what exactly is outside of a student's gender? -- it is also very problematic. Students who don't identify as their biological sex would be forced to dress a certain way, making so many kids feel uncomfortable and prohibiting them from expressing themselves. This would violate the freedom of expression. 

Forcing people to conform to make other students feel comfortable does not get to the root of the problem -- prejudice --  it will simply shove it under the rug. The way someone expresses their gender is never a disruption or a health or safety concern unless it is allowed to be. 

Instead of violating these students' freedom of expression, tell the Suffolk School District to enforce bullying policies that strongly protect gender expression and teach their students to accept people as they are! 

Dear Suffolk School District,

Please do not implement a policy that would ban "cross-gender" dress. Banning cross-gender dress to protect students from bullying is not getting to the real root of the problem -- prejudice -- and will make many students feel uncomfortable as they won't be able to dress as they are.

Do not violate these students' freedom of expression and instead, enforce bulling policies that strongly protect gender expression.

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