Puppy Mills are tragic.Where puppies are thrown away, starved, and abused.Lots of famous pet stores get ther puppies from Puppy Mills.Even online breeders.Lots of parts of the world have Puppy Mill and lot's of people sell the puppies from their Puppy Mills.What is a Puppy Mill?A Puppy Mill is where a female dog is forced to have puppies for the rest of her life.The puppies there are often sick with a deadly disease a puppy could die from called parvo.Puppy Mill puppies are usally sick and skinny.They are also also abused and mistreated.Some of them are thrown away alive in garbage cans and if they don't die of being sick they die of being starved to death.Their cages are also dirty,small,and unsanitary.At least 5 dogs all smushed up in 1 dirty and small cage.Don't like the sound of this?Dosen't it make you angry?If it does please sign this petition.