Petition To Support the Construction of SH45 SW without Further Delay
We the undersigned residents of Travis and Hays counties support the construction of SH45 SW without further delay.
This road has been planned for twenty years as evidenced by the completion of an environmental study by TXDOT in 1989. Travis County residents voted for and paid for bonds to purchase the right of way for this road, and were promised that TXDOT would build the road once the right of way was purchased. Funding has been removed from this project and the environmental assessment has been put on hold as the design is again reviewed. The design follows the provisions of the consent decree which was established to protect the environment, yet TXDOT states another two years are needed to further study the environment. Funding sources have many restrictions and stipulations, yet all over Austin other roads are getting built.
This road is needed to alleviate the extreme traffic load and safety issues on Brodie Lane. More homes are under construction on Brodie Lane as well as in northern Hays Coutny, meaning traffic on Brodie Lane will only get worse. We have waited for years for this road to be built. We now ask that you do all within your power to move this project forward without further delay.
The purpose of the SH45 SW Committee is to move this project forward more quickly, NOT TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE ROAD SHOULD BE BUILT. Stay focused on the purpose of the committee.
We the undersigned residents of Travis and Hays counties support the construction of SH45 SW without further delay.
This road has been planned for twenty years as evidenced by the completion of an environmental study by TXDOT in 1989. Travis County residents voted for and paid for bonds to purchase the right of way for this road, and were promised that TXDOT would build the road once the right of way was purchased. Funding has been removed from this project and the environmental assessment has been put on hold as the design is again reviewed. The design follows the provisions of the consent decree which was established to protect the environment, yet TXDOT states another two years are needed to further study the environment. Funding sources have many restrictions and stipulations, yet all over Austin other roads are getting built.
This road is needed to alleviate the extreme traffic load and safety issues on Brodie Lane. More homes are under construction on Brodie Lane as well as in northern Hays Coutny, meaning traffic on Brodie Lane will only get worse. We have waited for years for this road to be built. We now ask that you do all within your power to move this project forward without further delay.
The purpose of the SH45 SW Committee is to move this project forward more quickly, NOT TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE ROAD SHOULD BE BUILT. Stay focused on the purpose of the committee.
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