Our Blue Planet is Under Threat. Sign to Protect the Oceans.

From climate change and plastics, to deep sea mining and overfishing - the threats facing our oceans are growing and becoming more urgent by the day.
At the moment, the vast majority of our oceans are unprotected. In the High Seas, those areas beyond national jurisdiction, just 1% are fully protected. And at home the situation's not much better. Scientists tell us we need to protect 30% of global oceans by 2030 in order to fight climate change, safeguard fish stocks and allow our oceans to thrive – in all of their wonderful diversity.
Now we have a chance to turn things around, by putting the most vulnerable and important parts of our seas off-limits to destructive industries.
Governments are starting work on a Global Ocean Treaty. If they get it right, it'll open the door to a vast network of ocean sanctuaries, which could protect over a third of the world's seas. Our oceans sustain all life on Earth - now they need us to protect them.
Join the movement to Protect The Oceans. Call on PM Jacinda Ardern to support the creation of ocean sanctuaries across the planet, and for NZ to back the strongest Global Ocean Treaty at the UN to enable this.
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