Stop Animal Abuse/Cruelty Now!

This petition is mainly for stopping the abuse of animals, the creatures that cannot speak for themselves. The only way they can protect themselves is by sratching, biting, hissing, or barking. But sometimes, even that won't do the least bit of good. These animals need help from us. They are living things, just like us people. They are no different except for the metabolism, the appearances, and the thinking level. We need to speak up for these animals. Their viciousness is a cry for help. Please take this into consideration. Thank you all for your participation in this petition. We hope you take this seriously and we hope we aren't asking for too much.

  Hello! This petition is to stop "ANIMAL ABUSE/ CRUELTY" If you dont know what that is, it is where pet owners/people abuse their pets for example they beat them, starve them, hurt them, kill them, leave them alone outside (with no food or water), and other bad things. 

   On earth there are more chickens than people on earth, thousands are abused and killed each year. For example take a look at Pamela Anderson's video on how they create KFC! They abuse the chickens, kill them (they wait until they are too fat to move; then they eventually die. They do that so there is more fat on their bodies. There are about 250-over chickens per barn). 

   That is just one example of animal abuse. It is happening all over the world. IT CAN BE STOPPED! YOU CAN HELP, SIGN MY PETITION! It will mean a lot! This will stop all abuse and may make it illegal.

Thank you!
A chick and a cat. Look how precious and innocent.

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