Lead With Your Heart

Too many children die before their time—40 children die of AIDS every hour. President Clinton's visit to Africa is an important opportunity to save lives that need not be lost. For example, President Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have already negotiated a 90 percent reduction in the cost of pediatric medicines!

In 2007 the Clinton HIV/AIDS Initiative's pediatric program, in partnership with UNITAID, helped double the number of children on treatment in 33 countries. That means two out of every three children globally receiving treatment for HIV/AIDS is supported by the Clinton Foundation's program.

That's what it means to lead with your heart—doing what you can to build a bright, healthy future for children who would've otherwise suffered or even died. In keeping with this spirit, stand together with President Clinton and pledge your support. Help make the next generation the first generation free of AIDS.


Dear President Clinton,

Please take my voice with you to Africa—and on to Mexico City for the International AIDS Conference—to speak for the millions living with HIV/AIDS and malaria who desperately need lifesaving treatment and for the countless people living in rural areas who do not have access to adequate health care.

Today, I pledge to support the Foundation in its continuing efforts to:

* Provide the care and treatment that mothers need to stay healthy and keep their babies and all of their children healthy.

* Expand access to health care for families throughout all of Africa.

Together we can make the next generation the first to live free of AIDS.
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