A bill that would ban the drowning of all wild and domestic animals is headed to the Massachusetts House for consideration. Please join in urging the legislative body to ban animal drowning now!Drowning animals is not explicitly illegal in Massachusetts, but this bill would change that, in addition to adding several more protections against animal cruelty. If passed, the bill would also update penalties for animal abusers, remove automatic euthanasia for animals involved in animal fighting, ban sexual contact with animals, and require property owners to search for abandoned animals within three days after a property is vacated.
Tougher animal cruelty laws won't just protect animals, but also humans. According to
numerous studies show a link between animal abuse and violent behavior towards other humans. A 2001-2004 study by the Chicago Police Department showed that 65% of those arrested for animal abuse had been arrested for battery against another person. When examining seven school shootings that took place across the country between 1997 and 2001, another study showed that all involved boys who had previously committed acts of animal cruelty.
Sign now and tell the Massachusetts House you want to see tougher animal cruelty laws and an explicit ban on drowning animals!