Tell Zions Bank: Stop funding climate denial and animal abuse! Quit ALEC now!

  • da: Nathan Empsall
  • destinatario: A. Scott Anderson, President and CEO of Zions Bank

Do we want our public schools teaching climate denial to our children? Do you want the companies who take our monthly phone bills to lobby our state lawmakers to make the schools teach those lies?

Tell Zions Bank: Stop funding climate denial and animal abuse - quit the ALEC legislation factory at once! 

ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, is a shadowy right-wing legislation factory funded by corporations like Koch Industries and PhillipMorris. Thousands of state legislators (almost all Republicans) are also members of ALEC. The corporations' lobbyists write "model bills" that the lawmakers take home and try to pass. Many of these bills attack our shared global climate by attacking clean energy laws, encouraging fracking, and requiring that public schools teach climate denial. Deadly Stand Your Ground gun laws and attacks on voting rights have also come from ALEC.

ALEC even protects animal abusers through cruel "ag-gag" legislation that makes it harder to film and stop industrial animal cruelty.

According to SourceWatch, Zions Bank was a "member of ALEC Utah Host Committee for 2012 annual meeting and 'Vice Chairman' level sponsor of the 2012 ALEC Annual Meeting." That means they're funding climate denial.

Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and even Shell have recently quit ALEC - it's time for SourceWatch to do the same. Sign the petition to Zions Bank's CEO today!

I demand that Zions Bank stops funding climate denial and ag-gag laws, and leaves ALEC today!

You might have other reasons for belonging to the right-wing legislation factory, but your money funds all its activity, including not just climate denial and potential animal abuse but also “Stand Your Ground” laws and attacks on voting rights. This isn't your corporate mission, and it's bad for our country and our planet! Stop funding ALEC today!

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