Let's Thank Joe Biden for Stepping Aside and Kamala Harris for Stepping Up. Sign to Pledge to Vote for Kamala in November, and Urge Others to Do the Same!

On Sunday, July 21, 2024, President Joe Biden took a remarkable step in his presidency: a step aside, to make room for a new Democratic nominee. Biden ended his bid for reelection, and in doing so showed humility, courage, and most importantly, his vision for the future of the United States.

Sign the petition to thank Joe Biden for this and his many incredible acts of service, and pledge to support Kamala Harris' presidential campaign!

Joe Biden took office in the midst of a deadly pandemic that had already claimed nearly half a million lives, and just days after disgraced ex-President Trump incited an insurrection and tried to overthrow democracy entirely. But Biden got right to work, passing a $2 trillion COVID relief plan and accelerating lifesaving vaccine rollouts. And he didn't stop there. He appointed the first Black female justice to the Supreme Court. He made the most aggressive climate promises of any administration in American history, and made sure they got done. He invested trillions of dollars into U.S. infrastructure, providing jobs, clean water, internet, safe roads, and more.

And now, he has done what he knows is necessary: he has stepped aside to allow another Democrat to fight against the tyranny of Donald Trump's looming campaign. Just like our nation's first president, George Washignton, Biden knows that the office of president is not one to be hoarded and abused for his own ego. George Washington stepped down after two terms because he knew it was the right thing for our nation and for democracy as a whole, and that's exactly what Joe Biden is doing too!

In his farewell address, George Washinton warned that "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government…" And is this not a perfect embodiment of everything Trump represents?

Biden himself knows that for the United States to stand a chance against another Trump-reign-of-terror, the Democratic nominee must be someone new, strong, and ready to lead. And who better for the job than Vice President Harris, who has just spent the last 4 years sharpening her skills? She fights hard for a stable climate, reproductive rights, and an economy that supports the working class. Not to mention she would be the first Black woman and the first person of South Asian descent to ever become president.

Joe Biden has made history for our country. Let's pledge to support Kamala Harris as she continues that work. Sign the petition to support Kamala Harris in her bid for president!
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