Sign now to be a voice for elephants

Moti the elephant's death was preventable. The tragedy is compounded by the fact that Moti was only 35 years old.
Moti's physical condition at the time his legs gave out was shocking. It didn't need an expert to spot that Moti needed urgent and timely medical attention and the delay in addressing his medical situation compounded by severe lack of skilled veterinary care led to a very painful end for this young elephant.
India's national treasures - our precious elephants face neglect and painful deterioration of their health due to lack of proper care. Moti is one such stark example of what lack of care can do to a healthy young elephant.
If Wildlife SOS was made aware of Moti's condition sooner, our veterinarians likely could have saved him. We are willing to commit to conducting free training camps and workshops on elephant care and evaluation at our facilities to expand the number of veterinarians and medical access for elephant owners. We request the government take action to protect all captive elephants in India through required bi-annual inspections and veterinary certificates of health.
We must prevent the suffering of our beloved elephants who mean so much to India and the world. Sign now and be a voice for other elephants like Moti who don't have a voice.
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