Graywater Doesn't Have to Be a Waste - It Can be a Resource!
Water that we use from showers, dishes and laundry (called graywater) is often thought of as a single-use resource. We use it once, it goes away and we never have to think about it again. But it's time to challenge that assumption. Graywater can be a resource.
By recycling graywater for non-potable uses such as irrigation and toilet flushing, you can reduce potable water use by 35%. This saves money as well as reduces load on wastewater treatment plants and sewers. The closed system shown here is one of many (some are simpler) ways to recycle graywater.
If we all changed our perspective on wastewater and thought about all of the uses it has, we could considerably reduce our use of fresh water and lead to an overall cleaner environment.
Take this pledge to challenge the way we think of wastewater and graywater. Pledge to learn more about other uses for wastewater and graywater and how you can implement them in your own life.
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