Stop The History Channel from showing offensive content by killing animals

Over the years the History Channel has shown that it could provide interesting content that could be enjoyed by everyone. Lately that has not been the case. Swamp People is based on the killing of hundreds of alligators. The shows intro claims that hunting alligators has been a way of life for 300 years in this area. First, 300 hundred years ago they did not provide tags for alligators. They did not have specialized boats with 100 hp motors and they did not have high powered rifles or handguns. At that time in history they were lucky they didn't get eaten before they even caught one. 

Now they have Mountain Men whose claim in the advertisements for the show is that they are taking the law into their own hands. They clearly kill animals for fur and they kill other animals for food. If they were true mountain men they would not use high powered rifles, skidoos, or other modern tools in their efforts to depict that they are hillbillies. 

The Hunt. The latest show to be created by the History Channel and their most heinous. The object of this show is the tracking and the killing of one of the most iconic and beautiful of all bears the Kodiak. This bear lives on Kodiak Island off the coast of Alaska. The island has a small human population that along with the government has implemented a bear hunting program that benefits this human population by raffling off 164 tags. These people claim they need this income but killing an animal for a trophy to make a living is simply not right. These bears have feelings they have families and they have cubs. It makes no difference if their population is healthy it is the fact that the History Channel is making money from depicting the live killing of a healthy innocent bear. The History Channel must remove this offensive programming from their schedule and return to family orientated programming. 

I have asked you to remove theses two shows from your lineup as they show the hunting, trapping and killing of various animals especially the Kodiak Bear as used on "The Hunt"  and the other disgraceful show; Mountain Men. Both these shows demonstrate a lack of respect for wildlife and for the viewers who find that killing animals on public television is not the way for this channel to represent itself. You had decent family viewing with the channel lineup you had prior to including these two shows. Trapping animals for furs is not in style or politically correct nor is killing animals that most of the world feels is a deplorable act against an animal that has a family. What is wrong with your minds that you feel it is correct to kill an animal so you can make a profit from it. This is disgusting. I will continue collecting signatures to convince you these shows should not be on public television or any television.

Aggiorna #110 anni fa
I've contacted the History Channel twice and twice they've responded. Neither responses were favourable as all they talked about was the good mumber of bears and all the laws they have too respect. This does not address the fact that they are killing an animal for money.
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