Additional Targets: Joseph Lieberman (IN-CT) , John McCain(R-AZ), and Jeff Alan Merkley (D-OR)
At this time, it is deemed necessary for grassroots education efforts for people in the Eastern Orthodox Christian diaspora. The creator of this Petition urge all Orthodox Christians to return to the roots of the Orthodox Faith, the Praxis and well as the Theology as espoused by the Holy Church Fathers, of the Apostolic Eras, the 7 Ecumenical Councils, and such writers as St. Justin Popovic and St. Theophan the Recluse.
Study Groups reading the Bible and the Lives of the Saints must be conducted before a real grassroots effort can be made.
Two series that are suggested is the Gospel Commentaries of Blessed Theophylact of Ohrid, and Daily reading of the Lives of the Saints by St. Nikolai Velimirovich.
Only with a True and Right understanding of the Orthodox Faith, not compromised with unholy coalitions which have elements that mock and distort the Truth of our Faith, Can there be a truly God inspired and sanctioned address to the wrongs in Kosovo and other Orthodox lands under persecution by Eastern and Western elements. We do not sanction the ecumenical movement that weakens and distort our Faith as the One True Faith that Heals Mankind, if Mankind would allow it. This new movement must embrace the fact that God wants all to be saved; and yet acknowledges that God is our True Champion in our struggles here on Earth. We are awaiting for Righteous leaders to emerge who will embodied these Truths and work for the correct resolution of the wrongs inflicted on Kosovo.
This was a Petiton to Urge That Kosovo is Not Severed From Serbia and Respect of Nation-State Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity.
We encouraged petitioners to VOTE YES ON House Resolution 445 sponsored by Reps. Melissa Bean (D-IL) and Dan Burton (R-IN).
We encouraged petitioners to VOTE NO ON SENATE RESOLUTION 135
We encouraged petitioners to VOTE NO ON HOUSE RESOLUTION 309
We encouraged petitioners to VOTE NO ON HOUSE RESOLUTIONS 36
When the time is right and the people are ready, another Petition will emerge, and we hope that all peoples in the Pan-Eastern Orthodox World will support it.
Thank you for your past support. It was very helpful in its first run, when we sent it to the U.N. in support of Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica. We hope to be as helpful in the future to our pious leaders who work on behalf of our Faith and our Rights as citizens in a global community.
Bishop Teodosije of Decani Monastery and some of the 31 Remaining Serbs in Prizen: St. Georges. Over 150 Churches have been destroyed in Kosovo since 1999. Serbs now live in enclaves behind wires to protect them from Radicalized Albanians. Please Sign Petition to Keep Serbia United, and Kosovo-Metohija a Land Where Orthodox Christians Can Worship without Fear.

Please click on Video to the Left. Also view updated letter by clicking on "letter" on the right.
This Petition is Not Current. Please Remember What We Can Do With God's Help, and the Price We Pay, when We Turn Away From Him!!! This Petition has been opened since 1 Feb 2007. If you signed already, please reconsider so as to avoid duplicate signatures. Each of us can educate our neighbours about the injustices perpetrated on the Orthodox Serbian peoples, and Orthodox Peoples everywhere, such as Cyprus. On the ground we are participating in educational activities to better inform American Orthodox Converts and Cradle Orthodox about the issues and how they as Orthodox Christians can help. Glory to God, for a President who we hope will actually listen to our side of the story without bias or a hidden agenda against the Orthodox.
We encouraged folks to VOTE NO ON H RES 36, H RES 309 and S RES 135
We encouraged folks to VOTE YES ON
H RES 445
We, the signatories of this petition urge members of Congress to vote no on House Resolutions 36, 309 and Senate Resolution 135.
We urge members of Congress to Vote YES on H RES 445 which supports a principled solution to Kosovo-Metohija that respects the territorial integrity of Serbia. This Resolution has been introduced by Congressional Serbian Caucus members Representative Melissa Bean and Representative Dan Burton.
We do not support the United States position that Kosovo-Metohija, 15% of Serbia's territory should be taken away from her to appease Muslim insurgents who support Al-Qaeda and a thriving criminal element that imports illegal drugs and which also engages in human trafficking.
CONSEQUENCESSuch a position will most definitely contribute to instability in the area and in those regions in Europe and Asia that are watching the Kosovo debate very closely. To continue to flagrantly disregard International Law which provides for the respect of the sovereignty of nations and for the right of such nations to non-interference in internal affairs will usher in an era of unprecedented lawlessness between nations states. Therefore, we urge you to respect the constitution of Serbia which the people of Serbia recently approved and which reflects the will of those who voted for it: that Kosovo-Metohija is an integral part of Serbia.
We urge you to be mindful of the historical integrity of the Balkan region and the legacy of Josip Broz Tito. Tito encouraged, during and after WWII, state sanctioned oppression of the Serbian peoples. He sought to displace Serbians in 1944 and in 1974 in an effort to create an Greater Albania at the expense of the Serbian peoples. He encourage illegal land grabs, disenfranchising the native Serbian peoples from their homes and their livelihood. It is telling that one of Tito's first acts after becoming the President of Yugoslavia was to execute the Allied Forces greatest supporter against the Nazi regime, Draza Mihailovich. We urge you not to continue Josip Broz Tito's legacy of oppression against the Serbian people with House Resolutions 36, 309 and Senate Resolution 135.
House Resolution 445 will ensure that a principled solution will be reached concerning Kosovo-Metohija and that International Law will not be violated. A Principled Solution should be acceptable to both sides and does not accept the threat of violence against minorities in Kosovo, to reach its objective.
We urge the United States Congress to respect the United States peoples commitment to promoting peace in the world. We urge you, therefore to respect the United Nations Security Council principled votes on Kosovo-Metohija. We expect the United States to behave honourably in behalf of its citizens in this regard and to respect the legacy of both Theodore Roosevelt the first American to win the Nobel Peace prize for his efforts in the Portsmouth Treaty, and Eleanor Roosevelt one of the drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The rights of the 100,000 remaining Serbian population is at stake. As a member of the United Nations, you have pledged to be a supporter of the rights of all humans not only of some. Any acts outside of this will mark the United States as a violator of human rights.
SUPPORT PRINCIPLED SOLUTION ONLY Therefore, we urge you to support a principled solution that is aligned with International Law and aligned with due respect of Nation Sovereignty.We the signatories therefore urge members of Congress to vote no on House Resolution 36.The Signatories: