Demand Justice for the Family of Milly Dowler

  • destinatario: Rupert Murdoch
Milly Dowler was only thirteen when she disappeared from her family's home in Surrey. When her distraught family checked her voicemail for any possible clues, they found that several messages had been deleted. Despite everything, they hoped that Milly was still alive and checking her voicemail.

The truth, unfortunately, was not so pleasant. Reporters working for the tabloid News of the World had deleted messages from worried friends and family to make room for incoming calls.

According to The Guardian, interfering with Milly's voicemails may have obstructed the police investigations of her murder. Just as bad, though, was the false hope that this activity gave Milly's family.

Journalists must respect citizens' privacy and the British judicial system. Demand that Rebekah Brooks, who was editor-in-chief of News of the World at the time of Milly's kidnapping, take responsibility for her actions and be removed from her position of chief executive of News International.
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with your unwillingness to remove Rebekah Brooks from her post as chief executive of News International.

Ms. Brooks has demonstrated a refusal to take responsibility for the gross misconduct of her reporting staff during News of the World's investigation of Milly Dowler's murder in 2002. Thanks to the actions of her writing staff, Milly's family underwent even more heartache than they already had. Moreover, according to The Guardian, such maneuvers may have obstructed the judicial process.

[Your comments here]

Journalists have a responsibility to respect citizens' privacy and the British judicial system. I recommend that you dismiss Rebekah Brooks from her position today.
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