Ask Bermuda to Establish the Largest Marine Reserve in the Atlantic

Bermuda has an opportunity to protect its azure-blue waters by establishing the largest marine reserve in the Atlantic Ocean. Known to some locally as the "Blue Halo", such a reserve would protect this unique ocean ecosystem, increase local fish stocks, enhance Bermuda’s reputation as a special place with a bold conservation history, and create a lasting legacy for future generations. Best of all, it won’t impact local fishing!
The Bermuda government is currently holding a consultation period to ask for comments on this proposal and is interested in hearing from potential future tourists. Please take action today and encourage government officials to be bold and create the largest reserve possible. Bermuda could create a reserve that is larger than Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park; imagine what that will do for the ecosystem and eco-tourism in Bermuda!
If you agree that Bermuda should create the Atlantic's largest marine reserve please sign this petition to let the Island's leadership know that you are more likely to visit Bermuda if it protects its surrounding ocean.
Please take action today, we only have a few weeks left until the consultation period ends. Let's help make Bermuda a leader in ocean conservation and eco-tourism today.
I urge you to establish a marine reserve encompassing much of Bermuda's Exclusive Economic Zone within the Sargasso Sea. By creating the marine reserve, we will show the world that we are serious about preserving our ocean environment for future generations.
Overfishing and habitat destruction have led to a worldwide decline in fish stocks. Evidence has shown that management of the ecosystem is more effective than management of individual species. Marine reserves provide a multi-species approach to conserving biodiversity by protecting both the animals and the areas that they inhabit.
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