Demand stabilization of animals in emergency animal hospitals, just as people, without regard to payment first.

I was at a famous emergency animal hospital today, featured on Animal Planet, when A women crying ran in with her puppy who was just hit by a car. She needed immediate care to save the puppies life. He was still alert and in pain. The vet saw him and said we need $2,000.00 before we can help him. The woman didn't immediately have it and was given back her little puppy, wrapped in a blanket dying and left to take him home to die.

In that people are afforded stabilization at local hospitals regardless of ability to pay I am proposing that laws be enacted affording the same compassion and care to animals as humans. We need to be their voice and demand funding from state governments to alleviate suffering and death. To animal lovers these are " our people" and we demand stabilization of emergency situations for animals just like we do humans. A portion of liquor sales tax, cigarette sales tax, and marijuana could fund this.

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