This Farm Roasted Its Pigs Alive and Gassed Their Babies to Death

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: The American Veterinary Medical Association

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, the meat production industry has faced major difficulties. From massive outbreaks of the virus amongst employees at meat processing plants, to roadblocks in food distribution chains causing massive product waste, proof that the industry is built too feebly to withstand a crisis has been abundant. Many meat farmers have responded to the crisis by "depopulating" their animals. This is a rather sterile term for mass, gruesome murder, the details of which were unclear -- until now. A May 2020 investigation into a large pork producer in Iowa and its depopulation methods revealed that pigs -- animals that are known to have the emotional and cognitive intelligence of dogs -- are being roasted and suffocated alive.

Sign the petition if you want the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) to remove ventilation shutdown from their list of acceptable depopulation methods!

Workers at Iowa Select Farm, where this mass slaughter took place, started by closing all ventilation points into and out of the barns where the pigs were living. The barns packed full with living, breathing, feeling animals must have become unbearably stuffy very quickly. Then, the barns were pumped with heat and steam. Video footage picked up screams and cries from the poor pigs, who were not dying but being tortured.After hours and hours of unbearable pain, many of the animals succumbed to death. Those who didn't die from torture were forced to lay among their family members until workers came by with bolt guns to finish the job. The piglets were reportedly ripped from their mothers and killed in barns filled with gases. 

This is the peak of inhumanity. But according to the American Veterinary Medical Association, it is totally legal. 

This nightmare farm had apparently been experimenting with these methods long before this horrifying incident caught on tape -- meaning even more pigs died this way, and probably even more slowly and painfully. One source said that on the first try, workers simply turned the heat up and fans off. Pigs were tortured in 120 degree heat for five hours, and not one died. Even though this horrendous method of depopulation is legal, the AMVA suggests that ventilation shutdown be done in a way where 95% of the animals have died in under an hour. But obviously, this isn't a standard this or many farms can stick to. It would be simpler and more humane if this method of depopulation was made completely illegal.

For too long, the United States meat industry has operated on the foundation of cruelty and the hope that the public would turn a blind eye. Well, we won't.

Please sign the petition if you think the AMVA needs to ban death by ventilation shutdown as a method of depopulation!

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