Keep public money in public schools. End private school vouchers!

Pro-voucher legislators in many states (backed by billionaires like Betsy DeVos) are racing to pass bills that divert public money to private, mostly religious schools.

Private school vouchers threaten public education by funneling desperately needed money away from the public schools that serve 90 percent of American schoolchildren. Vouchers threaten religious freedom by forcing taxpayers to fund religious education. They also lack accountability, fund discrimination, and don't even improve student achievement. These are a few of the many reasons why we must fight all private school voucher programs — and we need your help to do It!

Sign now and send your state legislators an urgent message demanding that they reject all private school voucher bills. Public dollars should fund public schools.
Dear State Legislator,

As your constituent, I'm writing to urge you to oppose all private school voucher programs – including education savings accounts and tuition tax credit vouchers. Vouchers divert desperately needed resources away from the public school system to fund the education of a few, select students at private, mostly religious schools. Public dollars should fund public schools.

Vouchers don't work. They lack accountability, threaten religious freedom, fail rural students, and fund discrimination. Furthermore, studies show students using vouchers often perform worse on standardized tests than students in public schools.

We would better serve all kids by using our taxpayer dollars to make our public schools stronger.


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