Switzerland Is Going To Ban Foreign Trophy Hunters From Killing Alpine Ibex. Demand The EU Protect Their Wildlife Too!

Trophy hunting for "sport" is one of the most cruel forms of "entertainment" in the world, and the Swiss have taken concrete steps to put it to an end.

Add your name if you want to the EU to do the right thing and follow their lead!

"A Swiss region that has faced heavy criticism for allowing wealthy foreigners to pay large sums to shoot protected Alpine ibexes, a species of wild goat, for trophies decided Friday to end the practice.

"The southern Swiss canton of Wallis, the only one to allow the trophy hunting, said in a statement that as of next year, foreigners would no longer be granted permits to hunt ibexes," reported Barrons.

Just imagine how many creatures would be saved from a pointless death at the hands of some heartless trophy hunter, if the EU followed Switzerland's example?

This would be huge!

We're calling on Daniel Calleja Crespo, Directorate-General for Environment for the European Union, to take action within the EU that would spread Switzerland's wonderful decision through the continent, and help save all kinds of species from trophy hunters!

It doesn't matter if you don't live in the EU, your signature can still make a difference.

Don't you want to save innocent wild animals from being massacred by trophy hunters?

Then add your name to help get the EU to do the right thing and follow Switzerland's lead!

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