American Leadership on Climate Can't Wait

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are campaigning for our nation's highest office in a year of record-breaking heat waves, droughts, floods and monster storms.

What we have been hearing for years from scientists about extreme weather we are now experiencing -- record-breaking heat, monster storms, power failures, severe droughts, crop failures, massive wildfires and devastating floods. And more to come if we don't confront the challenge of climate change.

Extreme weather needs more than a tepid response. Ask President Obama and Governor Romney to put forward bold plans that will drastically reduce America's greenhouse gas pollution now.
You are campaigning for our nation's highest office in a year of record-breaking heat waves - 40,000 temperature records broken by July - droughts, floods, and monster storms.

Climate scientists tell us that the signals are loud and clear: We are experiencing global warming - NOW. Our climate is changing, more and more rapidly because of manmade greenhouse gas pollution.

The weather is sending us a clear message: Danger. Danger. Danger.

What is your message?

[Your comments here.]

American families are looking to you for leadership. What is your plan to talk to Americans about the urgency of climate change, not only for us, but for the world our children - and your children - will inherit?

What is your plan to lead the country into a new era of energy efficiency? What is your plan to cut the carbon and methane pollution that are causing climate change?

Whether we are Republicans or Democrats - or Independents, waiting for more information about our candidates to decide - we are all in this together. Please, talk to us about global warming. Give us more than hope. Give us action. Give us a plan to end greenhouse gas pollution. NOW.
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