Help Make Sure Every Animal In Northern Canada has Access to Veterinary Care!

In remote, Northern communities across Canada there is a lack of regular access to veterinary care, meaning companion animals live shorter lives and can die from diseases that are either treatable or preventable. Unvaccinated dogs can transfer diseases - including rabies - to humans, with children being most vulnerable to dog bites. With only 3 veterinarians to service all of Northwest Territories and no vets in Nunavut, vaccinating hundreds of dogs against rabies in these communities is almost impossible. This lack of access to veterinary care can have dire consequences for human health and livelihoods.

Veterinarians Without Borders North America/Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Amerique du Nord (VWB/VSF) is a non-profit, charitable organization that works for, and with, communities in need focusing on animal health to improve the health of communities.

VWB/VSF is committed to ensuring that Northern communities have regular access to rabies vaccinations by 2030. In collaboration with local Northern communities, which include many Indigenous community members, we are enhancing local capacity through mobile clinics that provide rabies vaccinations, spay/neuter services, and treatment for sick or injured animals. Additionally, we offer an educational program for teachers to instruct children on dog behavior, safe interactions with dogs, and appropriate actions if bitten by a rabid animal. Our awards program supports Northern residents in pursuing studies related to animal care and One Health, with over $45,000 awarded annually to promote knowledge and education in these fields.

But we can't do this life-changing work without your support!

Act now and pledge your support for increased community-driven veterinary care! Your commitment is crucial in ensuring healthy animals and thriving communities. Join us in making a difference today!

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