Pay Up, Scale Up: Make Biggest Polluters Pay!

Climate change isn't a distant threat – it's here, and it's urgent. But there's hope. We have the solutions to tackle the climate crisis right now; we just need climate culprits to pay up so we can scale up these solutions.

This November, the UN Climate Summit in Azerbaijan is a crucial opportunity to make rich countries and polluters step up and finance the fight. This isn't just about money, it's about justice.

Communities on the frontlines are paying the price, while the biggest polluters from companies to governments continue to profit. We need a global climate deal that ensures rich polluters pay their fair share, directing funds to those that need it the most.

Your voice matters. Contact your MP Today and urge Canada to lead by making rich polluters pay for the crisis they've caused.

Together, we can demand climate justice!
Dear {MP},

Climate change is no longer a distant issue – it's here now – impacting our communities and the most vulnerable people around the world.

We need to act now to avert more climate disasters and save lives. Out-of-control wildfires, flooding, droughts and other extreme weather events are hitting people living in poverty the hardest. And the greatest injustice is they have done the least to create the climate crisis.

But we have the power to change this. It's time for those who are driving climate change and profiting the most from burning fossil fuels – rich countries, big corporations and wealthy individuals – to pay up and address the crisis.

I call on you to stand up for climate justice by urging the Canadian government to:

  • Make rich polluters pay up through a new excess profit tax on the most profitable, polluting corporations in Canada and a wealth tax on the super-rich.

  • With these new revenues, scale up Canada's international climate finance threefold to support people in low-income countries with climate solutions.

This is our chance to right the wrongs of the past, protect communities, protect our wildlife and create a fairer world for everyone. Together, we can ensure that those responsible for the climate crisis contribute to the solutions. Let's make Canada a leader in this fight for justice.

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