Go Green to Save the Chesapeake Bay

The Chesapeake Bay is one of America's greatest natural resources. For centuries it's supported boating, swimming, fishing and crabbing for millions of Americans. Unfortunately these activities and overdevelopment have place an incredible strain on the Chesapeake's fragile ecosystem and overall survival.
This past year was incredibly hard on the Bay in particular. Record rainfall and two hurricanes washed millions of tons of harmful sediment and nutrients into the Bay. Oysters have been over-harvested to just 2 percent of their original population. The Chesapeake's notorious "dead zone" reached record size, choking grasses and robbing necessary oxygen.But as a resident of the watershed, your actions can make a big difference to help restore the Bay.
Take the pledge >>
I pledge to:
- Switch to reusable shopping bags to reduce plastic litter
- Limit fertilizer use on my lawn to reduce polluted runoff
- Recycle to decrease my waste
- Volunteer for a local clean-up project to help the Bay
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