Sign to Legalize Home Cooking in California!

Have you ever been to a fundraising popup in a neighbor's dining room? Or hired a friend of a friend to cater a party? Or purchased a late-night snack from an impromptu grill set up outside of a music venue?

For many consumers, the informal food economy is convenient, ubiquitous, and tasty. But it's actually illegal in California. 

You may have signed the Care2 petition defending Mariza Ruelas, a California mother who was facing jail time after a "sting operation" caught her earning extra income through a Facebook foodsharing group. That's right: a single mother of six nearly went to jail just for selling some homemade food.

But a new bill could change that. Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (Coachella) has introduced a new bill  to legalize the small-scale sale of homemade food. It would also ensure food safety practices by requiring home cooks to comply with food handling rules. Please sign this petition to urge California legislators to pass AB626 to legalize sales of homemade food!

The bill is a result of a partnership with Josephine, a site that allows you to order delicious home cooked meals online and pick them up directly from loving cooks near you. This bill would benefit single mothers, underrepresented minorities, and recent immigrants who rely on cooking to support their families. For example, Josephine cooks are 85% women, 35% recent immigrants, and 45% people of color — with 40% having a household income under $45K.

Please sign now to send a letter to your representatives: vote YES on AB626!

If you live in California you can also click here or call 916-414-9127 to contact your local representative in support of AB 626.

Learn more about Assemblymember Garcia and bill sponsor The C.O.O.K. Alliance

For many consumers, the 'informal food economy' is convenient, ubiquitous, and tasty. But that hasn't stop Californian authorities from prosecuting people for it. In fact, Mariza Ruelas, a single mother of 6, was facing jail time after a "sting operation" caught her earning extra income through a Facebook foodsharing group. That's right: a single mother of six nearly went to jail just for selling some homemade food.

Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia (Coachella) has introduced a new bill , AB626, to legalize the small-scale sale of homemade food. It would also ensure food safety practices by requiring home cooks to comply with food handling rules. Please vote YES on AB626 to legalize sales of homemade food!

The bill is a result of a partnership with Josephine, a site that allows you to order delicious home cooked meals online and pick them up directly from loving cooks near you. This bill would benefit single mothers, underrepresented minorities, and recent immigrants who rely on cooking to support their families. For example, Josephine cooks are 85% women, 35% recent immigrants, and 45% people of color — with 40% having a household income under $45K.

Please vote YES on AB626!

Aggiorna #33 anni fa
We are so grateful for your involvement and support advancing the COOK Alliance’s food justice movement to legalize home cooking, uplift food entrepreneurs, and build healthy food options for customers, and culture exchange for communities.

In 2021 we continued to build upon the momentum generated by our groundbreaking home cooking legislation. The pandemic continues to shine a spotlight upon this industry nationwide.

Here's what's new & ahead for the home food movement:
Aggiorna #26 anni fa
The California Homemade Food Operations Act has passed the legislature!! Governor Brown now has 25 days to sign the bill into law, legalizing thousands of home cooks across California to sell food directly to their communities! Thank you for your support so far.

Please help us get the bill across the finish line—* visit * to tell Governor Brown that you support!

This matters across the U.S., because if this bill is signed in CA, many other states will soon follow!
Aggiorna #16 anni fa
Homemade Food Supporters— Last week, AB 626 moved through the Senate Health and Judiciary Committees with unanimous approval! With these hurdles cleared, we are feeling more confident than ever that home cooked food will be legalized by 2019.

The Homemade Food Operations Act faces a final vote in the California Senate next month— please sign and share this petition to let legislators know that decriminalizing home cooking matters in 2018! This petition is evidence that our movement is growing!
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