Protect the Future of Bluefin Tuna

On November 17, the United States has an opportunity to join the international community in protecting Atlantic bluefin tuna by speaking out at the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).
Atlantic bluefin tuna is one of the world's favorite fish. Unfortunately, fishing pressure on these once plentiful marine animals has pushed them to the brink of collapse.
These overfished tuna have only two known spawning grounds -- the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, where hardships during spawning season threaten the species. Mediterranean tuna fall victim to fleets of fishing vessels that encircle their schools, and Gulf tuna have had to endure -- besides the usual pollution and longline fishing -- millions of gallons of oil and dispersants from the Deepwater Horizon spill.
Help strengthen Atlantic bluefin tuna populations. Urge the Obama Administration to call on ICCAT to protect spawning bluefin in the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean Sea.
Subject: Support no-take of bluefin in the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea
Dear Dr. Jane Lubchenco,
Atlantic bluefin tuna have declined by up to 85 percent of their historic levels and immediate international action is necessary to ensure their long-term survival.
[Your personal comments will be inserted here.]
The creation of bluefin tuna no-take zones in the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea would allow Atlantic bluefin tuna populations to rebuild more quickly, and would therefore be an insurance policy against collapse. Enacting protections for Atlantic bluefin tuna that span their only two known spawning grounds will give these great fish an opportunity to recover and will safeguard the jobs of the fishermen who depend on the health of the Atlantic bluefin tuna populations for their livelihoods.
I support immediate action to protect spawning bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico and Mediterranean Sea and urge you to support no-take zones for Atlantic bluefin tuna at this year's meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas.
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