God is Not a Republican or a Democrat!

  • da: Sojourners
  • destinatario: Place ads across America!
We, as global citizens, call on all politicians to stop using religion as a political tool.

We ask that all politicians stop using religion as a way to justify their political positions.

We admonish both US parties and candidates to avoid the exploitation of our religion or our congregations for partisan political purposes.

We believe that all people no matter what their belief system may vote for any Presidential Candidate in the 2004 US election.

Sign this pledge and join with over 80,000 citizens around the world to protest the abuse of religion for political gain.

We believe all candidates should be examined by measuring their policies against the complete range of spiritual ethics and values.

We admonish both parties and candidates to avoid the exploitation of religion or our congregations for partisan political purposes.

We, the undersigned, believe that sincere Christians and other people of faith can choose to vote for President Bush or Senator Kerry - for reasons deeply rooted in their faith.

We will measure the candidates by whether they enhance human life, human dignity, and human rights; whether they strengthen family life and protect children; whether they promote racial reconciliation and support gender equality; whether they serve peace and social justice; and whether they advance the common good rather than only individual, national, and special interests.

By signing this statement, we call all people of faith to a more thoughtful involvement in this election, rather than claiming God's endorsement of any candidate.

This is the meaning of responsible citizenship.
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