Its one of the saddest days for Sandhya,Indu, Jayanti and the entire elefriends101 family
There was a case filed in the court by a person by the name Muralidharan S who runs a page called 'RAW' he is an agent of the private elephant owners mafia this person is a disgrace to human form. He is funded by the mafia to trouble all NGO's working for animals especially elephants.
There was a big conspiracy to get these elephants out of this center and shut it down. As this was a model to show what is the least we can do for elephants after we humans have done the great cruelty of removing them from the forests and enslaving them. lots of fabricated reports were presented by an inspection team and people who were a part of this big conspiracy.
Overlooking all the comments written by top govt and non govt officials who visited the center appreciating the wonderful work carried out at the center.
we still believed that humanity shall prevail and the court would actually look into the case in a humane manner and at-least ask for an independent committee to look into this. To our surprise the judgement was announced even without hearing all parties concerned.
The forest department in a surprise move brought in trucks to take away these elephants.
Now this minute the elephants are being beaten up as they are refusing to get into the truck front of forest department officials and police officials who are stopping the press and people trying to film the proceedings. They are continously being beaten for the past 5 hours in front of officials who are incharge of preventing crueality to animals.
Attached is the detailed story
In a harsh implementation of the HC Order dated 19.9.2019, the CWW removed the three elephants belonging to the Kanchi Mutt from the Marakkanam camp which had been their home for three and a half years
In a case fought out on the grounds that Marakkanam camp was not entitled to keep the elephants because, Owners do NOT have any rights over the housing of elephants Which means that owners will be punished for keeping their elephants well in a better location other than the address that is mentioned in the ownership certificates.
1. No notice or intimation of date or time was given to the owners of the elephants, viz. the Kanchi Mutt for translocation of the elephants.
2. The Forest Department (FD) conducted a lightning strike without intimation to the Mattam and forcibly took away the cell phones of the manager and staff, warning that if any photos were taken, the staff would be arrested. Then, in a strangely high-handed manner, they locked up the manager and the Dist. Captive elephant welfare committee Member, Ms. Kundhavi Devi from Cuddalore in a room to avoid them being a witness to the activities taking place.
3. In pursuance of the High Court judgement to shift the elephants and notwithstanding that the judgement had given a time frame till Oct.31st 2019. The FD acted in a matter of a week, without giving time to the Owners and caregivers, in order to ensure a smooth transition.
4. The hasty manner in which it has been conducted shows no regard for the elephants.
5. The elephants which had adapted to a chain free lifestyle, positive reinforcement techniques and open spaces to roam around, are likely to be severely adversely affected by the sudden change in their daily routine and environment.The Govt. Rescue Center at MR Palayam Trichy, has come into existence only about 3 weeks back, with very basic facilities. There are neither grazing areas nor water troughs, for their easy access to water. Further they will always be held with chains and not allowed to roam freely.
6. Elephants belonged to the Kanchi Mutt who had placed them at the Marakkanam camp for their long term veterinary care and treatment. The Matham vide their letter dated 30.05.2016 retired the elephants to the facility and the then CWW had given the permission vide revised letter dated 13.11.2015 to start the construction and initiate the building of infrastructure.
7. Based on the statements in writing of the Matham to retire the said elephants on a PERMANENT basis and the letter of the forest department to go ahead with the construction centre at Marakkanam centre, TF and WRRC set up the elephant facilities at the centre.
8. Permissions for renewal were withheld after 9 months on a cleverly planned, impeccably crafted handed District Committee Welfare Committee Reports, two of which were never shown to the caregivers or the Matham to address lacunas, if any.
9. The so called deficiencies were easily rectifiable and curable. The reports bordered on the ludicrous to the absurd. Based on above, and petitioner Muralidharan's mischievous petition in the Hon'ble HC of Chennai, the sequence of events unfolded in an "extreme dispensation of justice" as quoted by a Forest Official on conditions of anonymity.
The elephants were brutally beaten up and the youngest, Jayanthi , stood close to the others and walked back to the enclosure that was her home for the last 3 years…
The elephants were undergoing treatment for their abscess and foot rot and are slowly healing with many comforts like being within protected 'I-beams', grazing freely within the campus and allowed to interact and socialise closely between themselves. The elephants have shown vast improvements in physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
The sudden translocation of the elephants will result in mental, emotional and physical trauma to the elephants which were on the road to recovery…
#justiceforkanchielephants Because of the greedy and destructive human species now these gentle gaints has undergone the cruel torture and trauma once again in their retired life, which they might not have even thought in their dreams. It's the final call for the remaining humanities to come forward and fight for their kind. The pain and suffering they underwent today should never go in vain.
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