Let's say NO to cruelty to animals and demand the construction of State Shelters for homeless animals in Uzbekistan!
Animal advocates have been sounding the alarm for a long time, but no one is listening.Readers constantly write that fierce detachments of "catchers" are walking around the city - and sometimes they kill animals right on the spot. More often they take it with them. In Nazarbek, this is a state trap of the city of Tashkent where they bring homeless animals caught from the streets,animals there die in terrible conditions. You can see in the photo how they are contained.Animals are kept in iron hangars. It's dark and stuffy inside. There are no windows, the sickening smell of the unknown, interrupted by bleach, is concentrated in the air. It's scary to enter the hangar, especially if you are afraid of dogs. But instead of grins, you see the shiny black eyes of dirty, skinny animals.Animal protection law does not work in our city and in our country in general.
State veterinary clinics in poor condition where there are not enough good veterinarians.The project to transform the trapping service into the Animal Rescue Service, which was put up for discussion in January, was never adopted.The head of the improvement department of Tashkent Umatov Sanzhar Khabarzhanovich owns 50% in the "Green Zone Of World" company, which was engaged in landscaping a new children's medical center in the Yashnabad region. The company will receive from the Ministry of Health 436 thousand dollars - public money from the budget. But the conditions for keeping animals have not improved.
Dear animal defenders and educated and intelligent people who are not indifferent to the fate of homeless animals.Sign this petition for Government officials to sign the Animal Rescue Service Draft, which was up for discussion in January but has not been signed. And say NO to animal cruelty in Uzbekistan, NO to thieves and fraudsters who steal the state budget and do nothing to create conditions for animals.
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