As an soccer fan and adept of the truth in sport, I want to demonstrate my indignation.

As an soccer fan and adept of the truth in sport, I want to demonstrate my indignation.

Before i saw what UEFA referees (Dejan Delevic, Nikola Tomicic, Vukasin Djordjevic and Igor Jankovic) carried through in the game of UEFA CUP, FC Zenit St. Petersburg versus Vit�ria de Guimar�es I intend to carry through this petition to request a reevaluation of the refereeing of the above-mentioned game.

I consider, basing in the rules ofsoccer, that the errors committed for the referees had been very rude and non professional!

By the way, this opinion spreads all over international media, they even put in cause the professionalism and the imparciality of the referees and UEFA credibility.

I request the immediate suspension of the referees of this game.

Before the reevaluation and inquiry of the refereeing, if it prove what all people suspect (corruption), I request an re-match.

You must treat with respect all the smaller teams, soccer would have to be considered a sport, not a business.

Firma la petizione
Firma la petizione

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