At LEAST, 20 girls sexually assaulted in a water park. We ask the Vietnam government to give harsh s

  • da: Fiona Davidson
  • destinatario: Vietnam government, the men that assaulted the woman & the Water park.
A water park in Hanoi, Vietnam called 'Ho Tay' opened for free admission from 8am-10am. the chaos was terrifying, when the staff decided to close the gate due to overcrowding. many people tried to climb over the fences to get in. however that was the least of their problems.

Inside, at the lazy river area, around 70 to 80 guys (even men who already had wives and kids) went together in groups. Whenever they saw girls, they started attack them by splashing water and WORST part was, they pushed her head down, DROWNING her and at the same time, RIPPED OFF HER BIKINI and started MOLESTED her. Some girls fainted and despite all the crying and screaming for help from friends, the group of animals won’t stop. They even PULL girls standing near the river down and started doing all those nasty things. AT LEAST, 20 girls were being sexually assaulted.

Sign this petition to let the men in Vietnam and all over the world know that it is not exceptable to treat woman in this maner.

We want the government to make a statement & give harsh punishment to the men who committed these crimes.
We also want the water park to be held accountable to. They need to make a public apology to these family's. they should also have to pay for the victims counciling. Money should be given to a victim support charity by the water park.
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