Tell Congress to protect your access to birth control!

More and more women are being denied their doctor-prescribed birth control pills across the country.
As many as 20 states have laws on the books that put a pharmacists personal views above a womans right to safe and legal birth control making it even easier for pharmacists to deny women access to prescription contraceptives. Birth control is basic health care for the vast majority of American women, and no third party should be able to stop a woman from taking responsibility for her reproductive health!
That's why a bipartisan group of pro-choice members of Congress - Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT), and others have introduced a bill to ensure that women can get their birth control prescriptions filled - without intimidation, inconvenience, or delay. Under the Access to Legal Pharmaceuticals Act (ALPhA), pharmacies would be responsible for filling womens birth control prescriptions even if a pharmacist refuses for personal reasons.
Please send a letter to your federal lawmakers urging them to support this bill. Help us put a stop to the far-rights anti-birth control agenda by taking action today!
Dear [your senator/representative],
As your constituent, I am writing to urge you to cosponsor the Access to Legal Pharmaceuticals Act.
Women's access to prescription birth control is serious. Birth control prevents unintended pregnancy, and allows women to take responsibility for their reproductive health. However, as many as 20 states allow pharmacists to deny women their prescription contraception. Pharmacies have an ethical and legal obligation not to endanger women's health by withholding basic health care.
The Access to Legal Pharmaceuticals Act would ensure that pharmacies will fill all prescriptions, even if a different pharmacist has to do it.
I urge you to support women who choose to use birth control, and cosponsor the Access to Legal Pharmaceuticals Act.
[your name]
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