Work With Kentucky Animal Welfare in Strengthening Animal Cruelty Laws

  • da: Sue Lee
  • destinatario: Kentucky Legislation

The Danville City Commission is working on improving the dog but currently the animal abuse laws in Kentucky are very lax and weak. They have been described as the worst in the nation.  This is the only state where dog fighting is NOT a felony. Read: As the report states, Kentucky has placed last in animal protection laws as released by the Animal Legal Defense Fund.

The animal cruelty laws are non-transparent in as much as, although it is illegal to fight dogs in Kentucky, it is not illegal to own, breed or train dogs for the purpose of dog fighting. The laws need to be stricter regarding animal abuse and cruelty throughout the state.  The government and law enforcers need to work closely with such organizations as the Humane Society and Animal Control in an effort to protect those without a voice. 

Our efforts through this petition is to encourage the Kentucky Legislators to implement and enforce stricter animal cruelty and abuse laws, making offenders more severely held accountable.  Charges for any animal cruelty needs to carry a sentence of felony animal cruelty for each incident, along with a ban on future animal ownership and/or care.  You can help in this effort by signing and sharing this petition.  We need to all take a stand for the health and well-being of the animals in the beautiful state of Kentucky.


Kentucky Legislators – We urge you to implement and enforce much stronger, stricter animal abuse and cruelty laws throughout your state.  All incidents of animal abuse, cruelty or neglect should count as one count of felony animal cruelty.  In addition to the charges, the abuser should be banned from future animal ownership or care.  You may also follow suit with some other states and implement an animal abuse registry, one that is similar in stature and implications as a sex-offenders registry.  Someone needs to start standing up for the voiceless and protect them.

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