Farm Animals Deserve to Be Protected Under the Animal Welfare Act!

Farm animals can feel just as much pain and fear as any other mammal -- sometimes even more so. Unfortunately, due to the nature of current industrial farming, many cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, and other animals often undergo extreme suffering, stress, and overcrowding before being sent to the slaughterhouse. So why aren't farm animals protected under the Animal Welfare Act?

The AWA, signed into law in 1966, was enacted to establish a minimal acceptable standard for animal treatment and care all over the United States. Thanks to its provisions, millions of animals have been saved from unbearably cruel conditions. There's no ethical reason that it should exclude farm animals from the same protection as all other warm-blooded creatures.

Livestock animals deserve the same care, compassion, and humane treatment. Ask the USDA to extend the Animal Welfare Act's protection to include farm animals today!
I am writing to ask you to extend the protections of the Animal Welfare Act to include farm animals. I believe that cows, sheep, pigs, and other livestock have just as much capacity for fear, pain, and suffering as all of the other animals already included under the AWA, and that there is therefore no ethical reason to continue excluding them.

Unfortunately, in today's industrial environment, many farm animals must undergo extreme overcrowding and stress for their entire lives before being sent off to slaughter. Extending the AWA's protections to include them would be a crucial first step in combating this cruelty.

Please include farm animals in the Animal Welfare Act immediately!
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