Tell the NIH: Make a Plan to End Animal Experiments

  • da:
  • destinatario: Dr. Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health
Almost twenty years ago, Congress demanded that the National Institutes of Health move toward non-animal methods of scientific research -- yet still, little progress has been made.

Animals are sentient beings, just like you and me. They show emotions, feel pain and don't deserve to be manipulated and abused in laboratory experiments. We have developed effective technology to replace animal-based experiments. And in cases where such technology isn't yet available, we must work to develop it.

It's time we start seriously exploring these more humane, and even more effective, testing methods. Tell the National Institutes of Health Director Francs Collins to make a plan with concrete actions to end the use of animals in scientific research.
Dear Dr. Collins,

Almost twenty years ago, Congress demanded that the National Institutes of Health move toward non-animal methods of scientific research -- yet still, little progress has been made.

Animals are sentient beings, just like you and me. They show emotions and feel pain. Effective technology to replace many animal-based experiments is already available. In cases where such technology isn't yet available, we must work to develop it.

I urge you to take this request seriously and to make a real plan with concrete actions to end the use of animals in scientific research.
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