BBC: Cover Trump Lies as Lies!
The Trump administration constantly lies about really scary and dangerous things, we need to demand that the media covers lies as lies.
The Trump administration has been spewing actual lies during its entire existence and the media is somewhat complicit in covering them weakly. Many news organizations say things like "there is not yet verification of such and such", rather than saying what they know, which is "this is a lie".
Trump and his administration has been tossing wild accusation around lately about wiretapping that the Obama administration supposedly did. But that is untrue, and even the White House has had to go back on that lie. Most recently, Press Secretary Spicer said that a Brittish agency, GCHQ, had helped in this nonexistent wire tapping.
We need to demand that the media, specifically the BBC in this case, covers erroneously statements by the Trump Administration as what they are: LIES.
Sign to ask the BBC to be more firm in their coverage, trust their facts and present things more clearly to the public about the lies being told. Rather than calling things
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