Hello 👋,
A seagull with his neck trapped in a plastic six-pack holder. A mouse trapped inside a plastic/glass bottle, unable to get out (when the rain comes, he will probably drown). A hedgehog trapped in a plastic cup. A heron entangled in discarded fishing gear. A seabird with a hook lodged in her throat after trying to eat the bait. An adder, grass snake or slow worm cut by glass, or a discarded fizzy/beer can. A turtle dying after ingesting plastic bags and/or balloons.
These are all awful ways that our planets native wildlife can suffer due to human inconsideration, thoughtlessness and greed. Wildlife rescues save many animals each from litter. However, unfortunately, many millions/billions of animals, both wild and domesticated, both marine animals and those who live in land. While littering laws may be better enforced in cities and towns, and litter is picked up more, the litter is doing more harm where there are more wildlife and less people enforcing the laws and picking it up; in the countryside, in the forests, on the moors, by/in rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, brooks, lochs and quays, in coastal areas and in the seas and oceans.
People, too, can suffer. People, in particular children can be cut by diseases and get sick from sanitary and medical waste, as well as potentially getting sick from touching, playing with or picking up litter with their bare hands...
The government may say that they have laws against littering and act against littering, but they clearly aren't doing enough!!!
We, the Undersigned citizens of the UK and the world, kindly demand that the UK Government, Irish Government, Scottish Government and the Welsh Assembly enact and enforce better, stricter, tighter laws against throwing harmful, non-biodegradable litter on the ground, into rivers, lakes, ponds, streams and seas and oceans. Please do more!!!! We will keep on at you until you enact better laws to protect wildlife, domesticated animals and people!!!!
Aggiorna #14 anni fa
Please do your part to help stop wildlife getting hurt with your rubbish/trash. Everything that can be recycled should be recycled, even if it means extra effort from you. Please, please take the time out of your day, no matter how hard it may be and no matter how busy it may be, to read and follow the advice here. https://www.peta.org/teachkind/lesson-plans-activities/littering-hurts-animals/
Best Wishes to all,
Have the best day and night ever!