A new White House policy would make factory farming even faster — and more dangerous. They just announced plans to increase chicken slaughter line speeds to an unimaginable 175 birds per minute, up from the old limit of 140 birds per minute. This will certainly result in the cruel and unjust treatment of animals and factory farm workers.
Chickens are supposed to be stunned before being killed quickly by an automated blade. Further down the line, a worker with a knife is put in place to catch the ones who might miss the stunning. But with line speeds this fast, and workers forced into a more stressful environment, more birds will inevitably miss this crucial step meant to limit their suffering. They could end up being scalded alive.
The increased speeds will also put workers' safety in jeopardy as they struggle to keep up with the frenetic pace of the slaughter line. Already, the rate of injury for factory farm workers in the US is six times greater than anywhere else in the world. And with 2.5 billion pounds of excess meat currently sitting in cold storage, the last thing our food system needs is faster factory farming. It's bad for animals, for consumers, for farm workers, and for the planet.
Compassion is working hard to convince food businesses to do better for chickens—but we need your voice to be successful. Join us in standing up for chickens and factory farm employees by telling the White House to reconsider their slaughter line speed rules.
Sign our petition now to stop the increase in slaughter line speeds!
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