Please help overturn the law regarding Horses not b

  • da: Karyn Campain
  • destinatario: Jackson County Oregon Board of Commissioners..


Please help stop the control of animals we can have on ample acreage. If people have enough property to house and care for horses or any other animal in an area that is unincorporated into city limits, they should be allowed that right.

Horses are a big benefit to keeping tall grasses and weeds under control so they don't become fire hazards, our neighbors like seeing the horses and some of my neighborhood kids get rides, some of these kids have issues such as Autism, Down syndrome and etc, the horses put a big smile on their faces, and they don't hurt anyone. Our neighbors like seeing the horses and don't have problems with them.

If you are a Jackson County Oregon resident, live in an unincorporated area and have ample room but have been told NO about certain animals but want them, or just an animal lover and that wants to help us ALL to get this Animal restriction code (law) overturned, please sign our petition, the futures of our horses are at stake...

Dear Board of Jackson County Commissioners, Horses are a big benefit to keeping tall grasses and weeds under control so they don't become fire hazards, our neighbors like seeing the horses and some of my neighborhood kids get rides, some of these kids have issues such as Autism, Down syndrome and etc, the horses put a big smile on their faces, and they don't hurt anyone. Our neighbors don't have problems with them.

These animal allowance laws wer put in place back in 1993 when they were going to build a prison out here in White City, that never passed and every time it has come up to vote on being incorporated into a city it has been shot down by the people, we don't want that here, we want it left the way it was, that's the reason some of us moved here in the first place, because it's not city living with all the city rules and regulations, not all of us were born to be cooped up in a concrete jungle, we like country atmospheres.

Please overturn these rules/laws of what type of animals can be had here, why are mini horses allowed but not full size horses, the only diffference in them is size, I can't give kids rides on mini horses and it brings so much joy and happiness to these kids as well as the adults that watch their kids having fun.

If you love your freedom as much as we do in this so called free country or if you like seeing smiles on kids' faces, look into your hearts and survey that there is no harm in the horses or other animals staying where we have ample space for them...

Thank you for your time and consideration, Karyn Campain.

Aggiorna #29 anni fa
Hello everyone, I am pleased to announce that our local newspaper the Medford MailTribune has felt that this is a newsworthy issue and has decided to run a story Tuesday July 7th 2015, and also there will be a meeting with the Board of Commissioners coming up so that we can present the petition to them, I hope to have the final outcome pretty soon after, again, thank you all so much for your help...
Aggiorna #19 anni fa
Hello, I thank you for your signature on my petition, you are a big help, but we need way more than we have, especially from my area Jackson County, Or. USA, but anywhere else is helping as well.

Again, thank you for your support, the control our government has over the people that voted them into office is ridiculous..
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