•å‹àŠˆ“®‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚é–@®”õ‚ð‹‚ß‚é–¼@@Stop doubtful fund-raising activity!


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We object to the fund-raising activity carried out by groups that are not certificated.

As we do not have any rules to regulate fund-raising in@Japan, doubtful fund collecting seems to have become rampant these days. Some do not explain their expenditures, and others are under suspicion of backing criminal organizations financially.

There are groups, too, that advertise their aim of fund drives with misleading phrases and expressions to collect more money than they may really need, and never refund the amount when asked by contributors.

If we leave those problems as they are, once cheated contributors may never donate to another fund raising activity---who knows, this one might be honest and truly need YOUR help!

To avoid this, we strongly need a law to regulate the fund raising activities held by any groups that are not certificated.

The law will certify the fund raising groups as corporate organizations under the condition that they should release necessary information and submit strict financial report on their activities.

Not to worry about how your contribution is to be spent, but to help your donation reach those who really need it, give us your support.


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