Shipping Companies Raked In Record Profits During the Pandemic. Their Workers Didn't See Similar Gains.

  • da: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: Shipping corporations and Port operators
A historic moment is unfolding at U.S. ports, as 45,000 workers are banding together as part of a powerful strike - the first of its kind on the East Coast since 1977. These dedicated individuals, represented by the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), are fighting for fair wages and working conditions against wealthy corporations that have profited immensely during the pandemic.

We must stand with the port workers in their fight for fair treatment. They deserve better pay, better conditions, and the respect they have earned through their labor! Sign the petition.

For too long, these workers have been overlooked and underpaid, while shipping companies rake in record profits - some exceeding 800% compared to pre-pandemic levels. It's unacceptable that while executives enjoy lavish compensation, the very workers who keep our supply chains moving struggle to make ends meet.

Local union leaders have stated that they will not back down until a fair agreement is reached, emphasizing that these workers are essential to our economy. But they need our help, especially because corporations will demonize them, blaming them for the economic impacts of their important collective bargaining strategies.

Joe Biden has publicly supported the workers, urging port operators to negotiate a "meaningful increase" in wages, in recognition of the contributions of port workers. However, these companies have yet to respond appropriately, instead choosing to cast blame and deflect responsibility.

It is time for us to join forces and demand that these corporations prioritize the rights of workers over profits! Sign this petition to demand that shipping corporations and port operators negotiate a contract that honors the hard work and dedication of these essential workers.
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