Tell Starbucks: Don't trash our planet with plastic

Each minute the equivalent of a garbage truck full of plastic ends up in the ocean, so why do 4 billion plastic-lined Starbucks cups get thrown away every year?

Starbucks is part of the plastic problem: tell the coffee giant to switch to 100% recyclable cups!

By 2050, the world's oceans are projected to have more plastic than fish. Yet Starbucks continues to serve single-use paper coffee cups that are nearly impossible to recycle because of their plastic lining.

Each year, Starbucks cups are piled up sky high where they degrade and end up polluting waterways and ecosystems. The sheer amount of plastic trash created by Starbucks is out of control.

In 2008, Starbucks said it would serve a 100% recyclable paper cup and increase reusables to 25% by 2015. To date, it hasn't done either.

It's time for Starbucks to live up to its promises.
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