Poison isn't Pretty: Urge U.S. Companies to ban toxins from cosmetics

Love is in the air...but do you know what's in your makeup?

Believe it or not, the U.S. does not require the $35 billion cosmetics industry to test any of the chemicals used in its products for harmful health effects. The scary thing is, some of these chemicals that are in common cosmetics and personal care products are known or suspected carcinogens and reproductive toxins.

The European Union is way ahead of the U.S. in protecting consumers from toxins, having recently banned the use of chemicals in cosmetics that are known or strongly suspected of causing cancer, mutation or birth defects. And through the work of a broad coalition of women's health and environmental organizations, over 50 U.S. companies have agreed to abide by the EU standards and eliminate banned toxins from their product lines, including Revlon and L'Oreal.

Now we need your help: Cosmetic giants Avon and Proctor & Gamble have yet to pledge to follow the strict EU safety standards. Avon dedicates significant resources to breast cancer awareness, yet some of the common chemicals used in cosmetics are known or probable breast carcinogens!

This Valentine's Day, don't pucker up to poison - help get toxic chemicals out of cosmetics. Please sign to send a letter to Avon and Proctor & Gamble, urging them to be true leaders for women's health and environmental responsibility. Ask Avon and Proctor & Gamble to pledge to abide by the new EU standards and to remove toxins from their products.

(Note: Thank you for your emails to Estee Lauder - they have agreed to take the pledge and stop using toxic chemicals in their products!)
Dear Avon and Proctor & Gamble-

I am a concerned consumer, and I am writing to urge you to remove toxic chemicals from the products you sell, both in the U.S. and around the world.

[Your personal comments here]

The European Union passed a new law requiring cosmetics companies to remove reproductive toxins, mutagens and carcinogens from personal care products. This law went into force in early September 2004. The U.S. has no regulations banning toxins, yet over 50 U.S. companies have already pledged to abide by the EU's regulations to protect U.S. consumers.

I like your products, but I value my health more. I will only buy cosmetics from companies that have agreed to abide by the EU's regulations and remove these toxins from their products. Please be a true women's health and environmental leader, and stop using toxic chemicals in your products.

I would appreciate a response to my concerns.


[Your name]
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