Help us protect Maryland patients, critical life sciences jobs, and innovation

Maryland's life sciences industry is a national leader in biopharmaceutical and technology innovation. Companies, organizations, and universities across the state work around the clock to research, develop, and test treatments that transform lives.

We need policies in place that will ensure Maryland maintains its national leadership in life sciences and technology research, development, and innovation.

Unfortunately, some lawmakers are seeking to expand authority of the Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB), which would have the opposite impact. It's critical that any policies that Maryland lawmakers consider to lower drug prices do not come at the expense of our state's robust life sciences ecosystem.

Help us protect Maryland patients, critical life sciences jobs, and innovation.

Join us today and send a letter to Maryland lawmakers encouraging them to protect patient access to new and innovative treatments by opposing House Bill 424 and Senate Bill 357 (SB357), legislation that would expand authority of the Maryland PDAB.

Maryland lawmakers must support proposals to lower health care costs that do not unintentionally hinder critical innovation, research, and development happening here in Maryland.

As your constituent, I urge you to oppose House Bill 424 (HB424) and Senate Bill 357 (SB357) to protect patient access to innovative treatment options and support Maryland's robust life sciences industry. Maryland is a national leader in life sciences and technology innovation. Our state is home to over 2,700 life sciences firms, more than 500 biotechnology companies, and 74 federal research labs, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

HB424 / SB357 will expand authority of the Maryland Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB), which will have a detrimental impact on patient access to innovative treatments and Maryland's ability to research, test, and develop new treatments and therapies for patients in the state and beyond. Marginalized communities in Maryland are already disproportionately impact chronic illnesses, certain cancers, and rare diseases such as sickle cell disease. Maryland patients need solutions that will improve and protect access to care, not hinder it.

It is critical that the legislature takes action to protect the over 54,000 Marylanders employed by the life sciences industry who work around the clock to develop new treatments for patients in need. HB424 and SB357 risk weakening Maryland's ability to innovate, research, develop, and bring to market new treatments and cures for patients. I urge you to stand with Maryland's innovation ecosystem and patients living with chronic conditions by opposing these bills.

Thank you,
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